Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Do you know what a dip belt is?

The Dip is performed on parallel bars, by holding the body upright on locked arms (feet suspended in the air), then lowering and raising the body by bending at the elbows. It incorporates a wide range of musculature including the pectorals, triceps, deltoids and, unlike the Bench, requires a good deal of back strength as well.

Like Chins, the Dip is not simply a 'bodyweight' exercise. It should be performed progressively. In this fashion, a belt with a length a chain-link attached is used. The chain-link is fed through the centre of weight plates and is then hung around the waist, hanging between the legs. This provides additional resistance to the trainee's bodyweight. The belt used in this kind of exercise is called dip belts.

Dip belts are a very commonly used form of weight training. They are named for the dip exercise, one of the few and best known methods of adding resistance to it. It is also commonly used to add resistant to pull-ups and knee/leg raises in hanging from a pull-up bar. Unlike most weighted clothing, dip belts are not affixed to the body, but rather the weighted suspends semi-secured to the usually leather belt, suspending from the back and generally kept up by resting on the gluteus.

Dip belts are used to perform a dip, the exerciser hangs from a dip bar or from a set of rings with his arms straight and shoulders over his hands, then lowers his body until his arms are bent to a 90 degree angle, and then lifts his body up, returning to the starting position. Short people are able to cope better with a narrower grip, but not with a wider one. Tall people have greater ease in this exercise overall as their reach to body size ratio is greater

Classical weight lifting dip belts are made of leather. The belt’s width is variable. The narrow part is placed around the abdominal region and the wide one near the back. The belt's shape was designed so as not to hinder weightlifters while exercising (“snatch” and “clean and jerk”).

A dip belt can be used to add weight to exercises

As such, it is only useful in strength training movements, and not for dynamic movements, making it only pseudo-clothing. Dip belts are also used for added weight in squatting exercises, for people who want to work their quadriceps muscles with more weight without compressing their spine or straining their back muscles or hands. Due to the dangling length, these belt squats are usually done elevated, where the suspended weight will dip much lower than the feet, allowing a sufficient range of motion. How far below the feet it goes can determine the range of motion of the exercise, similar to limitations like squatting in a power rack for working heavy resistance near the top of the movement.

Wearing a dip belt also causes the lifter to be more aware of the position of his or her back. This is because the physical sensation of a dip belt against the skin provides additional information prompting the lifter to consider his or her back position and what muscles must be activated to maintain good posture. In this case, the belt does not need to be worn too tightly for an effect. Some lifters report feeling more secure and confident while wearing a belt even if IAP and muscle activity are unaffected.

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